There are potentially 100s of songs by Brenda we have digitised from the old cassettes, reel-to-reels and practice tapes, and the majority of them are not in a good state - sufficient perhaps, to be able to keep a record of the tune and lyrics against the time when others may want to use them for their own purposes.
Most I know of or remember Brenda singing, but this one came as a bit of a shock to me.
Unsurprisingly, this 'frankly pornographic' song fell foul of the censors when it was released in 1930 by Elsie Carlisle... I don't remember Brenda singing it, so it was a complete surprise to me that she sang it at the Count House. Maybe she didn't have the courage to keep it in her repertoire!
Recorded at a session of Pipers Folk Club probably around 1970. Don't listen if you're of a sensitive disposition. If you want the full lyrics, check it out on my Bandcamp site: